Book News, The Selection, The Siren

FAQs, Novellas & Other Cool Things!

First: As I've been going through the reader mail and doing Question Monday on twitter, a lot of the same things come up. I thought it'd help to have those all collected in one place, so we now have a FAQ page! I'm sure it will grow, but if you're looking for general stuff, it's a good place to start.

Second: The novella has a title! It's called *drum roll* THE PRINCE! More info on this very soon.

Third: As you all know, I self-published The Siren back in 2009. Turns out it's recently become a bestseller with my publisher, iUniverse! I can only attribute that you guys, so thank you!

And Fourth: There have been a few updates over on the Events page. Stay tuned because it looks like I'll be touring next spring! Woot!