Why your perorder was cancelled

Book News, The Favorite, The Guard, The One, The Prince, The Queen, The Selection, The Selection Stories

Why your preorder was cancelled

Okay, if you are one of my very faithful readers, then you’ve probably already preordered The Favorite or The Selection Stories: The Queen and The Favorite, which were due out March 2015. And there’s a chance that you’ve gotten a notice that your preorder is cancelled, which is weird, yeah? So let me explain.

Yes, your preorder has been cancelled because the e-book of The Favorite and the paperback bind up of The Queen and The Favorite are no longer happening. At least, not in March. Why? Good question. One of the great things about the world of The Selection is that the more time I spend with it, the better it gets. It was amazing (if not a little weird) to see a young Clarkson through Amberly’s eyes, and it was a special opportunity for me to show you just how hard Aspen was fighting for America in his own words. America, Marlee, Maxon, Aspen, and Amberly have all gotten to take a turn sharing their voice, but recently, I felt there was one more character I wanted to give just a tiny, itty bitty, little moment to: Celeste.

With the timing of everything, a few things had to be rethought, and my hope was that you’d be able to have all the stories, in print, in one place. So, instead of simply getting The Favorite in March, in OCTOBER you will be getting a HARDBACK bind up with the following:

  • The extended version of The Prince
  • The Guard
  • The Queen
  • The Favorite
  • Three scenes with Celeste (that I still need to name... hmm.)
  • The second epilogue to The One
  • Some other stuff
  • Oh, and did I mention that this will be illustrated?

So, yeah, the awesomeness is being delayed. But it means that you will get bonus awesomeness. I know it’s still a bit of a wait for The Heir, but don’t worry! There will be plenty to talk about between now and then, and I hope your wait for the new (title-less) hardback will be worth it. Leave questions in the comments ,and I will try to update on Friday!

Happy New Year!

UPDATE 01/02/15

Yes! The Favorite will still be released as an ebook! It will be released at the same time as the hardbound book, so you will all get it at the same time, but not be forced to buy books you already own.

No! The date for The Heir is NOT being pushed back. Still coming out May 5, 2015!

Celeste is NOT getting a full novella. It's three scenes across the series from her perspective. One made me cry. I miss that girl!

I don't have a full list of the other content at the moment. We're picking a choosing things. More soon!

The epilogue is the same one you read at MoreSelection.com, just in print now. And this is the same version of The Prince that is in The Selection Stories: The Prince and The Guard, which has 2 more chapters than the e-version.

Yes! Eventually this will be out in paperback, so if you want to wait so it matches the rest of your set, no worries.

If you haven't preordered anything yet, you can still get this. It will be available in October.

I'm assuming this will all be available as an ebook as well in October. Not sure how illustrations will translate (I don't really eread, so I don't know much about it) but I will keep you posted on this one.

No! I'm not illustrating! And no news as to who is or what exactly will be illustrated. Updates on that once it's available.

International readers! You will (probably) get this in some form or another. Several countries already bought the rights to the two new novellas, so we're scrambling to change wording/deals and make sure you get everything. That stuff is out of my hands! I'll keep you posted.

No, I don't think there will be any more novellas or short stories after this. I think I'll be done.

Finally, this was done in partnership with my publisher. I don't make all the calls, and I'm certainly not trying to rip you off. If you feel uncomfortable buying the new book, I encourage you to borrow it from a library or friend. I respect that.