Making Contact

Hi friends, Kiera here with a little update. As some of you may know, ya girl is moving to California! As such, some things are changing, the first being the removal of my current PO Box. I’ve taken the address down, and until further notice, any mail sent my way can be directed to my literary agency. Address here:

Laura Dail Literary Agency

Attn: Kiera Cass

121 West 27th Street, Suite 1201
New York, NY 10001

This will be posted on my contact page so you have it when you need it. Also! Because I’m moving, I won’t be partnering with my local Barnes and Noble anymore. You can still order signed books from the Christiansburg Barnes and Noble listed on my contact page through THE END OF MAY 2020. That means that if you didn’t per-order a signed copy of The Betrothed, you can still order one from them, and they will send it out to you. Once we’re moved and settled, I’ll find a new store to partner with and will update that information when I have it.

In completely unrelated but awesome news, I have movie updates on the horizon. I know you all have been waiting for a long time, but I think I’ll finally have some good news for you very, very soon. Stay tuned! Sending 6-foot distanced hugs your way!