News, The Guard, The One, The Prince, The Selection Stories

Covers! So many covers!

In case you didn't see MTV's wonderful reveal yesterday, here is the final, actual cover art for THE ONE:

I'm absolutely in love with it and want to say a thousand things, but there are other covers to discuss, so lets move on! We also revealed the cover art for THE SELECTION STORIES:

I love her face here! So pretty! Now, you may already know that THE SELECTION STORIES will contain THE PRINCE, THE GUARD, and a bunch of other goodies from me. But if you already have your e-copy of THE PRINCE and would like to only purchase an e-copy of THE GUARD, you can! And this will be the cover you're looking for:

And there you have it! Those are all the remaining covers for Selectiony books. It's a little strange to have them all out there, but I'm still looking forward to you getting to read all these things hiding behind these lovely covers. THE GUARD will (I hope) help everyone see Aspen's logic, THE SELECTION STORIES will have some exciting bonus features that I seriously cannot wait to gush about, and THE ONE... well, it's everything I hoped it would be, and I can't for you to see how it all ends.

What do you think of the covers? Shout out in the comments!