Well, friends, you have been long overdue for an update when it comes to film stuff, so here it is! I am thrilled to tell you that The Selection movie is finally moving forward at Netflix! We are working with the amazing director Haifaa Al-Mansour (I loved Wadjda! Look it up!) and are so pleased to be answering the cry you have put our for years! You can read the full story at Variety.
This is Haifaa! Know her! Love her!
Do I know anything about casting? No! Do I have any idea when the release date is? Also no! Am I stupid excited? YES! All I can say for now is that things look good! I’m very exited to finally be able to give you all a screen adaptation, and I’m hoping to have even more information soon. Thank you all for your endless patience and support. Hugs! K
Hello, lovelies! Ok, so there are still a lot of questions to answer about my upcoming trip to Brazil, but I wanted to go ahead and hand over what I know. Honestly, it’s not much at the moment, but stay tuned for further updates!
My schedule:
Friday, October 25: Panel and signing at the FLICA festival in Cachoeira
Monday, October 28: Signing (and Q&A?) in Rio de Janeiro
Tuesday, October 29: Signing (and Q&A?) in Sao Paulo
And that’s about it! See, not much! But I will tell you this: If I’m taking the time to travel to another country, you can bet that I want to meet you. So I’m going to do everything I can to make myself available to you all while I’m there.
Depending on limitations imposed by the festival or bookstores, there may be a cap on how many books I can sign or how pictures are taken, but know that I absolutely want to have a moment with you, even if it only lasts a few seconds. You can help things go smoothly by following any guidelines that are set in place by the event makers and trying to be patient as sometimes those signings can take a while. I wasn’t expecting things to be as big as they were in the Philippines, and you guys seem just as excited! So, just in case one or more of these events gets into the hundreds of people again, know that I would never leave without signing everyone’s books, so don’t stress if you end up being the last person in line.
As our times and locations are finalized, I will post more on my events page. Thanks for having me, Brazil! Callaway and I are getting very excited for our visit!